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Is the higher the heavy shelf column, the better?

The pillars and depths of heavy shelves are the most important technical parameters we consider when making plans for our customers. Many customers want to increase the shelf height to increase the shelf height, so the shelf height is higher. Better? Today we will discuss this issue.
Generally speaking, the height of the heavy shelf column between 6 and 12 meters recommended by Dvor Storage is the most reasonable. If the shelf height is too high, it will affect the storage efficiency and safety of goods. From the point of view of fire safety, the ceiling lamp is at the bottom of a general warehouse, so it is necessary to ensure that goods are stored on the top floor and that a safe distance is maintained in front of the ceiling lamp. At the same time, the decisive factors of the height of heavy shelf pillar are the height of warehouse and the maximum lifting height of forklift truck.
Generally speaking, the top of the heavy shelf also stores the goods, so the shelf column and the lowest end of the warehouse should be kept at a distance of about 2 meters. In addition, Devo warehousing technicians should know the type of forklift used by customers, minimum turning radius and elevation when making plans for customers. If you are not clear, it may lead to problems such as unmatched forklift trucks and shelves, which can not be used properly.
